Poe is referring to Meleager, the lost tragedy of Sophocles, which, as you've probably assumed, didn't actually have a chorus of turkeys. This is certainly not to disparage their vocal stylings, but turkeys simply didn't make it to Europe until 1511.
What's up, then, with the name turkey?

Let's start with the turkey, Meleagris Gallopavo; on the right is a female. Six subspecies of wild turkeys are native to North America, as shown in the map below: Easter, Florida, Rio Grande, Merriam's, Gould's, and South Mexican.
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Historic range of the wild turkey subspecies in North America, from C. F. Speller et al. PNAS 2010;107:2807-2812 |
At roughly the same time, or perhaps a bit later, the turkey was domesticated by the Anasazi, the ancestral Pueblo people who built the cliff dwellings in the southern United States. A lovely paper this year showed that this domestication was independent, and likely came from a different subspecies of wild turkey.
By the 15th century, there were vast numbers of domestic (South Mexican) turkey throughout the Aztec world. Cortes described the streets set aside for poultry markets in Tenotichtlan (Mexico City), and the Franciscan Motolinia noted that over 8,000 turkeys were sold every five days, all year round, in Tepeyac, just one of several suburban markets of the city.
The turkey plays a role in Aztec mythology,

The turkey's trip to Europe came very quickly after the Spanish arrived in the Americas. Columbus was given tasty gallinas de la tierra ('local chickens'), possibly turkeys, on the coast of Honduras in August of 1502. Two turkeys definitely arrived in Spain from Hispaniola on September 30, 1512. From this point, the spread of turkeys throughout Europe was astonishingly rapid. They were in Italy in Germany in 1530, France in 1538, England certainly by 1541 (and possibly by 1524) Denmark and Norway by 1550, and Sweden by 1556.
What did they Europeans call the turkey around 1550? They didn't call them totolín or huexolotl, or even use the Spanish galinas de la tierra or gallopavo, another early Spanish word for turkey that literally meant "chicken-peacock". Instead, the OED and early European dictionaries like the Nomenclator of Junius tell us that turkeys were called:
French: poulle d'inde, poulle d'afrique
Dutch: Calkoensche henne, Turcsche henne
German: Indianisch hun, Kalekuttisch hun, Welschhun
Italian: Gallina D'India
Portuguese: Galinha do Peru
The many references to India and Turkey actually come from the name of a bird that arrived earlier in Europe, the guinea fowl. A guinea fowl is a bird roughly the size of a large chicken, most commonly black covered with white pearly spots, native to many areas of sub-Saharan Africa and domesticated there. Many of the earliest uses of the word turkey that the OED lists for the sixteenth century are actually describing the guinea fowl, suggesting that the name "turkey hen" preceded the name "guinea hen".
(1578): With white and blacke spots, lyke to the feathers of the Turkie or Ginny hen.
The same situation is true of the French "poule d'inde" ("chicken of India"): the word is used first to describe the guinea hen, and then is transfered to the turkey.
How did the guinea fowl come to be called first "turkey cock" and then later "guinea fowl"? The guinea fowl first appears in 2400BC in Egyptian pyramid murals, imported by the Egyptians from Ethiopia and Sudan. In West Africa there are long oral traditions of breeding guinea fowl among the Mandinka and the Hausa. By 400 BC the Ethiopian guinea fowl were common in Greece and called meleagris after the hero Meleager.

This story is beautiful but it's more likely the name meleagris is a corruption of melenargis 'black-silver', after its spots. Whichever it is, by the first century Italy and Greece were stocked with guinea fowl, and the Romans distributed the birds across their empire, but with the fall of the Roman Empire the guinea fowl was lost in Europe. The bird was still domesticated in west Africa and certainly in Ethiopia and Sudan, where Marco Polo saw them in the fourteenth century, and parts of Greece and Italy also seem to have preserved knowledge of the birds during the dark ages; indeed, in Italy they are still known by the old names of faraone ("Pharaoh's birds").
In the 15th century the guinea fowl began to be reintroduced to Europe. Collecting exotic animals was a hobby of Renaissance princes and the wealthy, and guinea fowl appeared in their royal parks and private menageries. In Provence in the 1460s Good King René fed his "poulles d'Inde" (India chickens) at his table, and in 1491, guinea fowl were received at Marseille for Anne de Beaujeu, the sister and regent for King Charles VIII of France. Evidence for the source of these birds come from Jacques Coeur, the fabulously wealthy French financier and trader with the Levant, whose nephew Jean de Village was sent to Alexandria in 1447 for an audience with the Mamluk sultan, and returned with galinias turcicas ('Turkish chickens'). The Mamluks, an originally Turkish but by now Circassian dynasty of soldiers of originally slave origin, were still referred to in Europe as "Turkish". The Mamluk Sultanate at this point controlled Egypt, the Levant, and the Red Sea spice trade, and presumably imported guinea fowl from Ethiopia along the traditionally spice-trading routes.
By 1500 or shortly later, however, the trade in spices and exotic animals through the Mamluks and the Levant was vastly disrupted by the Portuguese. The world emporium for spices at this time was the city of Calicut in Kerala, India, where black pepper from the hills of south India, and spices from the Spice Islands were sold to Muslim traders who shipped them to the Levant via Yemen or Hormuz. In an attempt to break the Ottoman and Venetian monopolies on this trade, Portugese mariners, starting with Vasco da Gama in 1497, sailed around Africa to reach Calicut directly by sea. On the way, they established colonies in the Cape Verde Islands and down the coast of west Africa, a region they called Guinea, slave-raiding and trading for ivory, gold, and, in the process, guinea fowl. Reaching Calicut in 1502, they quickly began to import spices as well.
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Image of Calicut, India from Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg's atlas Civitates orbis terrarum, 1572 |
From the Spanish, the Portugese also acquired turkey at this time, along with other New World products like corn and chili pepper. The Spanish origin is clear in the name they used for turkeys, `galinha do Peru', 'Peruvian chicken'. At that time the Virreinato del Perú (the Viceroyalty of Peru) was the name for the entire Spanish Empire in South America, including modern-day Peru, Chile, Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina. The Portugese most likely got turkey and corn from the mid-Atlantic trade islands (the Canary or Cape Verde islands) where ships stopped to provision between the Americas, Africa, and Europe; other New World products, for example pototoes, were known to have first reached Europe in this way from the Canaries rather than directly from the Americas.
The trading capital of northern Europe at this time was Antwerp,

The two birds were immediately confused, in Antwerp and throughout Europe. The English word "turkey cock" or "cocks of Inde", and the French word "poules d'Inde" were used sometimes for turkeys, sometimes for guinea fowl, for the next hundred years. Even Shakespeare sometimes got it wrong, at least once using "turkey" (1 Henry IV II.1) when he meant guinea hen. Flemish texts from 1555 cited by the Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal (WNT), show that the Dutch had the same confusions, as did the Portuguese themselves; the word for turkey, galinhas do Peru ("Peru chickens") was used to describe the guinea fowl that the Portugese Jesuits saw in Ethiopia. Conrad Gesner, the Swiss naturalist whose Historiae animalium was the most encyclopedia zoological description of animals of its time, confused the turkey and the guinea fowl in his bird descriptions in 1555.

Another reason for the confusion was the secretive nature of the Portugese government at the time. Unlike the Spanish, who allowed Columbus to publicize his discoveries, the Portuguese government would allow nothing to be published about its discoveries; producing a map of exploration was illegal. Perhaps related to this, or perhaps as an early attempt at branding, the word "Calicut" with its images of exotic India was used to describe many of the objects the Portuguese brought. In his diary of his trip to Antwerp, the German artist Albrecht Dürer describes "Calicut feathers", "weapons from Calicut", and "two ivory salt-cellars from Calicut", although some of these are clearly from West Africa rather than India.
In summary, the turkey acquired its name through a confusion with the guinea fowl. Guinea fowl were re-introduced into Europe from Ethiopia through Mamluk Egypt, and one of their names was "turkey cock" or "poule d'Inde" in various languages as a result. Turkeys arrived slightly later, and were confused with guinea fowl because of their physical similarity, because they were brought to Europe on the same Portuguese ships, because of the Portuguese traders branding everything as an Indian or "Calicut" product, and perhaps because of Portuguese paranoia about keeping secret the details of their overseas discoveries. The confusion is at the root of the names for the turkey in English, French, Dutch, Levantine Arabic, while other names involving India (e.g., in Russian, Polish, Turkish) date from later reference to the Americas as the West Indies.
Another lesson from turkey names is the massive variation we see in each language. In German alone, Weitzenböck's 1936 survey of turkey names included Truthahn, Puter, Indianisch, Janisch, Bubelhahn, Kollerhahn, Kurrhahn, Welscher Guli, Pokal, Grutte and Schruthahn, among many others. There's a folk-theory that foods (or any object) have one 'real' name, but the more common situation is vast variation in naming, particularly in the early stages of borrowing. We can see this now in English with my favorite vegetable, the recent immigrant ipomoea aquatica, which is called in local supermarkets water spinach, chinese spinach, water convolvulus, swamp cabbage, ong choi, kangkong, rau muông, and morning glory vegetable. I. aquatica is so new that we don't yet know what the final English name will be, but even the names of completely nativized foods, like pop, soda, and coke, vary by region in the United States:
Andrew Smith's The Turkey, and A. W. Schorger's The Wild Turkey are both excellent books on the turkey if you want to read more.
But first I want to conclude by considering travel in a different direction;
the journey of the turkey and the guinea fowl west to the United States at the start of the 17th century.
The guinea fowl's trip was a by-product of the horrific slave trade,
which began in the 1440s as the Portuguese
created slave-trading posts along the coast of West Africa
to staff their sugar plantations in Madeira and then in the New World.
As slavery expanded to the Americas, slaving ships included flocks of guinea fowl as provisions.
They brought guinea fowl to the Cape Verde islands and then to Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Hispaniola
very early, certainly by 1549. In what became the United States, slaves raised guinea fowl
on small plots of land, and guinea fowl is still an
important species raised by African Americans in the southern United
States (and in Brazil, guinea fowl play a liturgical role in African-origin religions
like candomblé). The shipping of guinea fowls
continued at least into the 1700s, when the presence of guinea fowl on Bristol slave ships is commented on in England.
Turkey also made the journey back to the United States, The turkey in England was very popular by the 1560s and was a standard roasting bird for Christmas and other feasts by 1573, when a poem celebrated:
The English colonists brought domestic turkeys to Jamestown in 1607. In 1612, Captain John Smith talks of Virginia having "wilde Turkies as bigge as our tame". Domestic turkeys were also shipped from England to the Massachusetts Bay colony from England in 1629, where colony members compared the wild turkey to "our English Turky". Thus even if the mythical Pilgram Thanksgiving had actually happened, it would certainly have been following a fine English tradition of roast turkey celebrations.
In other words, both the Africans and the English managed, despite the horrors of slavery and the terrible hardship of exile, to bring the food of their homelands to help create the cuisine of our new country. That's another beautiful myth about America, one that I still cling to: that we've created something truly extraordinary in our stone-soup America by throwing into the pot, each of us, ingredients from the fiercely-preserved traditions that we each brought from wherever we came from to make this place home.
Well, back to the kitchen. This year, we're making my mom's apricot strudel and Janet's mom's sticky-rice stuffing.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.